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A Day to Celebrate

January 20, 2021by Paul0

Today, Wednesday 20th January, the world celebrates the 46th President of the United States, Joseph R. Biden Jr.

We in Ireland celebrate this outstanding achievement and are thrilled and honoured to have played a part in the Irish For Biden campaign. As soon as we suggested it to the people of Carlingford, Co. Louth, the ancestral home of the Biden family, the campaign was quickly born.

The feedback from America for our campaign has been remarkable. As from small acorns, our campaign gathered momentum very quickly and captured the attention of many of the 35 million Irish Americans that were proud to step forward and vote for Our Local Joe.

Back in 2016, we were campaigning for Ireland For Hillary. At the same time, we had the pleasure of arranging the visit of the then Vice-President Joe Biden to the Cooley Peninsula.

We recall joking with the Vice-President about ‘’would he consider running in 2020?’’, and he chuckled while walking away.

Ireland has always enjoyed a special place in the hearts of many American Presidents, and St Patrick’s Day is truly unique, as no other country in the world gets the access all areas treatment the Irish enjoy. Its not just a glamourous perk for the Taoiseach of the day, it has a pivotal role in building Ireland’s standing in the world and its international trade links.

The road ahead for Joe Biden will be tough, as JFK once said; ‘’nobody knows how rough this job is until they have been in it for a few months.’’

In writing this blog, the challenge that faces the incoming President is enormous. Very tragically, over 400,000 Americans are dead because of Covid.

Joe and his administration need to heal a nation.

For every ending there is a new beginning, and he is well placed to stop the polarisation of the United States and begin to bring the American people together.

Thankfully, the previous holder of the office stopped being President, and this left the door open for President-Elect Joe Biden to get a head start.

From the days after the riots on Capitol Hill, Joe delivered a mini State of the Union address, a $1.9 trillion economic rescue package, keeping his messaging simple; ‘’Governing is Back.’’

In presidential terms, the first 100 days are critical. He will be judged on speed, scale and scope. As part of his plan, he wants to deliver 100 million shots in 100 days. He wants to rescind the Muslim travel ban. He wants to help legalise the 11 million illegal immigrants, many of whom are Irish. He wants to alleviate child poverty and re-join the Paris Climate Accord.

In modern communications, messaging is one thing, delivery is another.

While in Capitol Hill one St Patrick’s Day, a visitor couldn’t help but notice the ‘PBPT’ letters on his door, Touched by Personal Tragedy. The dark shadow that walks beside him every day will hopefully be his guardian angel.

We wish him well and look forward to welcoming him to Ireland soon.


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