“Old” and “small” are two very critical words to use in tonight’s debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. This will be the first face-to-face encounter between Harris and Trump, who are locked in a tight race. For Harris, this is a pivotal showcase moment to prove to Americans that she is ready to assume the presidency. Kamala Harris is under pressure to put on a strong performance in the debate against Trump after polling suggested her momentum in the presidential contest could be fading.
The TV faceoff debate as it has become known will be the first and could be only Harris and Trump session, as no other debates have been scheduled before the polling election date in November. The debate event is being held at the National Constitution Centre in Philadelphia.
Over the past few days, the back-room teams from both camps have been painstakingly training the candidate within an inch of their life as everything depends on getting the right message out at this critical time. I have some sympathy for the Trump handlers. When he goes off script, his popularity increases satisfying the media landscape and his base’s expectations of him.
The two candidates have taken very different approaches to preparing for their debate showdown. No presidential nominee in the modern age has done more televised general election debates than good old Trump. I know that Harris and her team have been carefully studying all six of them, three with Hillary in 2016, two with Joe Biden in 2020, and the most recent debate with Biden in June last.
Trump, if he turns up, will be eager to negatively shape voters’ perceptions of his Democratic rival and halt the gains she has made since ascending to the top of the Democratic ticket in July. Harris has eliminated what for much of the year had been Trump’s lead over Biden in presidential polling.
Both Harris and Trump are offering themselves as change agents of sorts. Harris has pitched herself as a clean break from a bitterly divisive era of politics dominated by Trump. The former president, though, points to Harris’ time in the Biden administration and says she bears the blame for inflation, higher mortgage rates and more. Trump’s campaign and his allies have accused Harris of avoiding policy particulars. But Trump’s bizarre and rambling messages last week to a question about how he would make childcare more affordable was a vivid reminder that the former president has long brushed aside policy details and questions about the practicality of his proposals.
Trump continues to fire most un presidential racist and lewd attacks against Harris. Whether Trump makes similar nasty comments and how Harris responds could shape voters’ perceptions of their TV.
The debate will be moderated by ABC anchors Linsey Davis and David Muir is expected to last 90 minutes.
Like the CNN debate between Trump and Biden in June, candidates’ microphones will be turned on when it’s their turn to speak and muted otherwise.
These daft rules that were agreed to by the Biden and Trump campaign teams, have upset Harris, who hoped to tap into her skills as a former prosecutor during any onstage engagements with Trump.
Vice President Harris, a former prosecutor will be fundamentally disadvantaged by this format, which will serve to shield Donald Trump from direct exchanges with the Vice President.
If I was advising Harris, I would suggest that she basically needs to ignore him. Don’t even do side eye glances at him. Stay focused and powerful with messaging.
Don’t let him wind you up, sit back ignore and laugh at him! Don’t let him fluster you with a stockpile of lies and untruths. However, when he gets rude or starts saying ridiculous things, give it to him with both barrels. Slow down at all times and pace yourself. When he gets annoyed, set up a few pre planned traps to catch him out. The voter will want to see how a woman candidate handles herself. Harris needs to be strong, who is not going to get bowled over by an old-time bully. She should focus on issues such as inflation and immigration where her team believe she is most vulnerable.
Trump will be like a circus clown who will seek to attack the host of the event.