Never Waste a Good Crisis
Never Waste a Good Crisis – On Day One of the national realisation that the situation had gotten very real indeed, our first Message of the Day was an old classic from Winston Churchill.
The quote did more than give us a sprinkling of encouragement in the morning coffee. It reminded us of the age old adage that underpins the world of business – ‘’one man’s crisis is another man’s opportunity.’’
We wanted to avoid sounding like one of those awful Instagram posts, but as we eased ourselves in to this new era of fear and unease, our company decided to give ourselves a daily boost by having an inspirational ‘Message of the Day’.
In the world of PR, every crisis is an opportunity and for the past few weeks we have been very busy reminding existing and potential clients that for as long as the printers keep churning out newspapers, there are still opportunities to get your message across in the national media.
The crisis is causing come sectors to boom, from medical device manufacturers to online grind schools to tech experts helping us work from home. Distilleries are now producing hand sanitizer, recruitment firms are looking to fill roles in healthcare and food production, charities still need donations and there are many wonderful Irish companies doing their bit to help the vulnerable.
These companies have messages that need to be heard and our firm has been busy in making it happen.
The economic situation is indeed bleak, but we in business can never stop seeking out new opportunities. To throw in another Churchill classic – ‘’You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs.’’